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A member registered Aug 23, 2019

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This is my very first comment on the itch platform.  I bought this game with this justice bundle.  I definitely need to say--that actually unnerved me a bit.  And I'm a horror veteran--RPGs, Silent Hill, movies, books, and what-have-you.  But a couple things got to me.  I'll add those to the end of this post, marked with spoilers.

As an added bonus, I started hearing a strange clacking sound that didn't seem to fit in with the machinery.  When I lowered the volume, it stayed constant.  I realized it was *dramatic flourish* coming from my apartment!  It was the dang venetian blinds clinking into each other with the AC on.

So of course, once I turned the AC off I tried to avoid feeling relieved and saying 'Gee, I guess that's all it was.'  I made sure to glance over my shoulder.  Juuuust in case something was there in a jump scare.

And gotta say, typing this comment now, in relative silence except for the ticking of a pocket watch, is not helping the ol' nerves.

Well done!!

*SPOILERS*: Finding the gate locked behind me when I approached the machine unnerved me a little.  And the silence was perfectly done.  Have you ever seen the very old cartoon horror short 'The Killing of an Egg' by Paul Driessen?  This game reminded me of that,  Which I definitely mean as a compliment.  I saw that on Nickelodeon (!!!) when I was a little kid in the 80's, and it freaked me out.